This photodocumentary was a labour of love taken over the course of the development of ustwo games’ video game, ‘Monument Valley 2.’ The process of documenting the making of MV2 began just as the team were planning their move to what remains their current office in Oval, London.
This series documents the friendship, teamwork and heart put into the making of a video game. This isn’t about developer diaries, it’s not about PR or marketing; it’s about an artist documenting other artists during the process of creation, and the all-too-often forgotten key ingredient behind the colossal undertaking that leads to a beautifully made video game - the people.
Monument Valley 2 is a heavily art-led game, with themes of family and grand architecture. As my connection to the game grew, so developed the approach to the work - the aesthetic and tone began to mimic that of the game itself. I wanted to show how art is the product of its environment and the people who make it, and as we grow, change and develop, so does our work. This process feeds right back into us as people.
We make things, they make us.
Throughout the series, the environment of the team seemingly blooms around them as they create.